The Season of Manifestation and Rebirth

March holds a special place in my heart. Besides being my birth month, it marks the turning point from a slumbering earth to the emergence of vibrancy and vitality. Every spring, we are reminded once again that change is constant and new life is just around the corner.

This spring, I find myself breathing a deep sigh of relief as my spiritual winter thaws with the changing season. Throughout this past fall and winter, I shed many layers as I navigated a difficult time of loss - confronting my shadows on my self healing journey, facing a devastating diagnosis for my youngest child, and allowing for a significant shift in my professional life that required part of my identity to “die”.

This work has been necessary. And it hasn't been easy.

Yet, behind the clouds, the sun still shines. And here I am: stronger, more vibrant, and clearer-headed than ever. I'm grateful for the journey I've been on and grateful for this moment of change.

The spring equinox is a potent time for manifestation magic.

As the old has died off and the new has not yet been born, anything becomes possible. The soil is fertile and in this liminal space, I pause to plant seeds of of intention for this new season.

🌱 I plant seeds of strength.
🌱 I plant seeds of resilience.
🌱 I plant seeds of clarity.

And of course, I plants seeds of gratitude. Without death, life would not be possible.

I commit to watering these seeds with self-care, growing them in the light of compassion as I set my sight on the highest version of myself and ask her to guide me along the way.

Seed of Intention Ritual

Just as nature begins to flourish, we too can harness this energy of growth and manifestation.

This month, I invite you to join me in an intention-setting ritual. Take a moment to reflect on the seed(s) you wish to plant in the fertile soil of your consciousness.

What dreams and aspirations do you hold?
What intentions do you wish to cultivate and nurture?

Perhaps it's a commitment to self-care and self-love, or a desire to manifest abundance and prosperity. Maybe it's a longing for deeper connections with yourself and others or a vision of stepping into your true power and purpose.

Whatever it is, know that the beginning of spring offers a powerful opportunity to align with the natural rhythms of the universe and co-create the life you desire. This week, join me in a seed planting ritual. Choose a seed, bulb, or plant, pot it place it in the earth, and nurture it with care. With each watering, infuse your intentions and witness its growth mirroring your journey of transformation.

Let's come together as a community to support and uplift each other on this journey of manifestation and growth.


7 Ways to Connect with Your Higher Self